Sermons from Emmanuel Baptist Church

Past sermons from our pulpit can be found here. Simply click the sermon you wish to hear to start listening or select "download" to download a message.

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Morning Messages



Christ Dwelt Among Us; Chris Best

Why Celebrate Christmas?; Chris Best

His Unspeakable Gift; Chris Best

Views of Christ's Atonement; Chris Best


Sin; Dean Loftus

Thanksgiving; Chris Best

The Response - Defining the Gospel, pt 6; Chris Best

Jesus the Saviour - Defining the Gospel, pt 5; Chris Best

Man the Sinner - Defining the Gospel, pt 4; Chris Best


The Christ That Paul Preached; Harley Johnson

God the Creator & Judge: Defining the Gospel, pt 3; Chris Best

Defining the Gospel, pt 2; Chris Best

Defining the Gospel, pt 1; Chris Best


Born of God; Chris Best

Evidences of Salvation; Chris Best

You Must Be Born Again; Chris Best

Evening/Afternoon Messages



Battle of Armageddon; Chris Best

The Great Tribulation; Chris Best

Gog & Magog - Eschatology pt 5; Chris Best


Thoughts on Luke 11; Dean Loftus

AntiChrist and the Satanic Trinity - Eschatology pt 4; Chris Best

The Rapture - Eschatology pt 3; Chris Best

Daniel's 70 Weeks - Eschatology pt 2; Chris Best


In Pursuit of a Godly Life; Harley Johnson

Times of the Gentiles - Eschatology pt 1; Chris Best

Isaiah 37; Chris Best

Filtering Out the Grey; Chris Best


God's Will For Your Life; Chris Best

Making Decisions in God's Will; Chris Best

Christ Our Passover; Chris Best